Source code for torchnmf.nmf

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Parameter
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.utils import _single, _pair, _triple
from typing import Union, Iterable, Optional, Tuple
from import Iterable as Iterabc
from .metrics import beta_div
from tqdm import tqdm
from .constants import eps

_size_1_t = Union[int, Tuple[int]]
_size_2_t = Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]
_size_3_t = Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]]

__all__ = [
    'BaseComponent', 'NMF', 'NMFD', 'NMF2D', 'NMF3D'

def _proj_func(s: Tensor,
               k1: float,
               k2: float) -> Tensor:
    s_shape = s.size()
    s = s.reshape(-1)
    N = s.numel()
    v = s + (k1 - s.sum()) / N

    zero_coef = torch.zeros(N, dtype=torch.bool, device=s.device)
    while True:
        m = k1 / (N - zero_coef.count_nonzero())
        w = torch.where(~zero_coef, v - m, v)
        a = w @ w
        b = 2 * w @ v
        c = v @ v - k2
        alphap = (-b + (b * b - 4 * a * c).relu().sqrt()) * 0.5 / a
        v.add_(w, alpha=alphap.item())

        mask = v < 0
        if not torch.any(mask):

        zero_coef |= mask
        v += (k1 - v.sum()) / (N - zero_coef.count_nonzero())

    return v.view(s_shape)

def _double_backward_update(V: Tensor,
                            WH: Tensor,
                            param: Parameter,
                            beta: float,
                            gamma: float,
                            l1_reg: float,
                            l2_reg: float,
                            pos: Tensor = None):
    param.grad = None
    if beta == 2:
        output_neg = V
        output_pos = WH
    elif beta == 1:
        output_neg = V / WH.add(eps)
        output_pos = None
    elif beta == 0:
        WH_eps = WH.add(eps)
        output_pos = WH_eps.reciprocal_()
        output_neg = output_pos.square().mul_(V)
        WH_eps = WH.add(eps)
        output_neg = WH_eps.pow(beta - 2).mul_(V)
        output_pos = WH_eps.pow_(beta - 1)

    # first backward
    WH.backward(output_neg, retain_graph=pos is None)
    neg = param.grad.relu_().add_(eps)

    if pos is None:
        param.grad = None
        pos = param.grad.relu_().add_(eps)

    if l1_reg > 0:
    if l2_reg > 0:
        pos = pos.add(, alpha=l2_reg)
    multiplier = neg.div_(pos)
    if gamma != 1:

def _sp_double_backward_update(pos_out: Tensor,
                               neg_out: Tensor,
                               param: Parameter,
                               gamma: float,
                               l1_reg: float,
                               l2_reg: float,
                               pos: Tensor = None):
    param.grad = None
    # first backward
    neg = param.grad.relu_().add_(eps)

    if pos is None:
        param.grad = None
        pos = param.grad.relu_().add_(eps)

    if l1_reg > 0:
    if l2_reg > 0:
        pos = pos.add(, alpha=l2_reg)
    multiplier = neg.div_(pos)
    if gamma != 1:

def _get_W_kl_positive(H: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    sum_dims = list(range(H.dim()))
    return H.sum(sum_dims, keepdims=True)

def _get_H_kl_positive(W: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    sum_dims = list(range(W.dim()))
    return W.sum(sum_dims, keepdims=True).squeeze(0)

def _get_norm(x: Tensor,
              axis: int = 1) -> Tensor:
    x2 = x * x
    sum_dims = list(range(x2.dim()))
    return x2.sum(sum_dims).sqrt()

def _renorm(W: Tensor,
            H: Tensor,
    if unit_norm == 'W':
        W_norm = _get_norm(W)
        slicer = (slice(None),) + (None,) * (W.dim() - 2)
        W /= W_norm[slicer]
        slicer = (slice(None),) + (None,) * (H.dim() - 2)
        H *= W_norm[slicer]
    elif unit_norm == 'H':
        H_norm = _get_norm(H)
        slicer = (slice(None),) + (None,) * (H.dim() - 2)
        H /= H_norm[slicer]
        slicer = (slice(None),) + (None,) * (W.dim() - 2)
        W *= H_norm[slicer]
        raise ValueError("Input type isn't valid!")

def _get_V_norm(V: Tensor, beta: float):
    assert V.is_coalesced()
    if beta == 2:
        return V.values() @ V.values() * 0.5
    elif beta == 1:
        return V.values() @ V.values().log() - V.values().sum()
        V_vals = V.values()
        return V_vals.pow(beta).sum() / beta / (beta - 1)

[docs]class BaseComponent(torch.nn.Module): r"""Base class for all NMF modules. You can't use this module directly. Your models should also subclass this class. Args: rank (int): size of hidden dimension W (tuple or Tensor): size or initial weights of template tensor W H (tuple or Tensor): size or initial weights of activation tensor H trainable_W (bool): controls whether template tensor W is trainable when initial weights is given. Default: ``True`` trainable_H (bool): controls whether activation tensor H is trainable when initial weights is given. Default: ``True`` Attributes: W (Tensor or None): the template tensor of the module if corresponding argument is given. If size is given, values are initialized non-negatively. H (Tensor or None): the activation tensor of the module if corresponding argument is given. If size is given, values are initialized non-negatively. """ __constants__ = ['rank'] __annotations__ = {'W': Optional[Tensor], 'H': Optional[Tensor], 'out_channels': Optional[int], 'kernel_size': Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]} rank: int W: Optional[Tensor] H: Optional[Tensor] out_channels: Optional[int] kernel_size: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] def __init__(self, rank: int = None, W: Union[Iterable[int], Tensor] = None, H: Union[Iterable[int], Tensor] = None, trainable_W: bool = True, trainable_H: bool = True): super().__init__() infer_rank = None if isinstance(W, Tensor): assert torch.all(W >= 0.), "Tensor W should be non-negative." self.register_parameter('W', Parameter( torch.empty(*W.size()), requires_grad=trainable_W)) infer_rank = self.W.shape[1] elif isinstance(W, Iterabc): self.register_parameter('W', Parameter(torch.randn(*W).abs())) infer_rank = W[1] else: self.register_parameter('W', None) if isinstance(H, Tensor): assert torch.all(H >= 0.), "Tensor H should be non-negative." H_shape = H.shape self.register_parameter('H', Parameter( torch.empty(*H_shape), requires_grad=trainable_H)) infer_rank = self.H.shape[1] elif isinstance(H, Iterabc): self.register_parameter('H', Parameter(torch.randn(*H).abs())) infer_rank = H[1] else: self.register_parameter('H', None) if infer_rank is None: assert rank, "A rank should be given when W and H are not available!" else: if getattr(self, "H") is not None: assert self.H.shape[1] == infer_rank, "Latent size of H does not match with others!" if getattr(self, "W") is not None: assert self.W.shape[1] == infer_rank, "Latent size of W does not match with others!" self.out_channels = self.W.shape[0] if self.W.ndim > 2: self.kernel_size = self.W.shape[2:] rank = infer_rank self.rank = rank
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: s = ('{rank}') if self.W is not None: s += ', out_channels={out_channels}' if hasattr(self, 'kernel_size'): s += ', kernel_size={kernel_size}' return s.format(**self.__dict__)
[docs] def forward(self, H: Tensor = None, W: Tensor = None) -> Tensor: r"""An outer wrapper of :meth:`self.reconstruct(H,W) <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.reconstruct>`. .. note:: Should call the :class:`BaseComponent` instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them. Args: H(Tensor, optional): input activation tensor H. If no tensor was given will use :attr:`H` from this module instead W(Tensor, optional): input template tensor W. If no tensor was given will use :attr:`W` from this module instead Returns: Tensor: tensor """ if H is None: H = self.H if W is None: W = self.W assert H is not None assert W is not None return self.reconstruct(H, W)
[docs] @staticmethod def reconstruct(H: Tensor, W: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Defines the computation performed at every call. Should be overridden by all subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _sp_recon_beta_pos_neg(self, V, H, W, beta): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @torch.jit.ignore def fit(self, V: Tensor, beta: float = 1, tol: float = 1e-4, max_iter: int = 200, verbose: bool = False, alpha: float = 0, l1_ratio: float = 0 ) -> int: r"""Learn a NMF model for the data V by minimizing beta divergence. To invoke this function, attributes :meth:`H <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.H>` and :meth:`W <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.W>` should be presented in this module. Args: V (Tensor): data tensor to be decomposed. Can be a sparse tensor returned by :func:`torch.sparse_coo_tensor` beta (float): beta divergence to be minimized, measuring the distance between V and the NMF model. Default: ``1.`` tol (float): tolerance of the stopping condition. Default: ``1e-4`` max_iter (int): maximum number of iterations before timing out. Default: ``200`` verbose (bool): whether to be verbose. Default: ``False`` alpha (float): constant that multiplies the regularization terms. Set it to zero to have no regularization Default: ``0`` l1_ratio (float): the regularization mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. For l1_ratio = 0 the penalty is an elementwise L2 penalty (aka Frobenius Norm). For l1_ratio = 1 it is an elementwise L1 penalty. For 0 < l1_ratio < 1, the penalty is a combination of L1 and L2. Default: ``0`` Returns: int: total number of iterations """ assert torch.all((V._values() if V.is_sparse else V) >= 0.), "Target should be non-negative." if (V.is_sparse or V.min() == 0) and beta <= 0: raise ValueError("When beta <= 0 and V contains zeros, " "the training process may diverge. " "Please add small values to " "V, or use a positive beta value.") W = self.W H = self.H if beta < 1: gamma = 1 / (2 - beta) elif beta > 2: gamma = 1 / (beta - 1) else: gamma = 1 l1_reg = alpha * l1_ratio l2_reg = alpha * (1 - l1_ratio) if V.is_sparse: V = V.coalesce() V_norm = _get_V_norm(V, beta) with torch.no_grad(): if V.is_sparse: pos, neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg(V, H, W, beta) loss_init = V_norm + pos - neg else: WH = self.reconstruct(H, W) loss_init = beta_div(WH, V, beta) loss_init = loss_init.mul(2).sqrt().item() previous_loss = loss_init with tqdm(total=max_iter, disable=not verbose) as pbar: for n_iter in range(max_iter): if W.requires_grad: precomputed_pos = _get_W_kl_positive( H.detach()) if beta == 1 else None if V.is_sparse: pos, neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, H.detach(), W, beta) _sp_double_backward_update( pos, neg, W, gamma, l1_reg, l2_reg, precomputed_pos) else: WH = self.reconstruct(H.detach(), W) _double_backward_update( V, WH, W, beta, gamma, l1_reg, l2_reg, precomputed_pos) if H.requires_grad: precomputed_pos = _get_H_kl_positive( W.detach()) if beta == 1 else None if V.is_sparse: pos, neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, H, W.detach(), beta) _sp_double_backward_update( pos, neg, H, gamma, l1_reg, l2_reg, precomputed_pos) else: WH = self.reconstruct(H, W.detach()) _double_backward_update( V, WH, H, beta, gamma, l1_reg, l2_reg, precomputed_pos) if n_iter % 10 == 9: with torch.no_grad(): if V.is_sparse: pos, neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, H, W, beta) loss = V_norm + pos - neg else: WH = self.reconstruct(H, W) loss = beta_div(WH, V, beta) loss = loss.mul(2).sqrt().item() pbar.set_postfix(loss=loss) pbar.update(10) if (previous_loss - loss) / loss_init < tol: break previous_loss = loss return n_iter + 1
[docs] @torch.jit.ignore def sparse_fit(self, V, beta=2, max_iter=200, verbose=False, sW=None, sH=None, ) -> int: r"""Learn a NMF model for the data V by minimizing beta divergence with sparseness constraints proposed in `Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Sparseness Constraints`_. To invoke this function, attributes :meth:`H <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.H>` and :meth:`W <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.W>` should be presented in this module. Note: Although the value range of ``beta`` is unrestricted, the original implementation only use Euclidean Distance (which means ``beta=2``) as their loss function, and we have no gaurantee on other values besides 2. .. _`Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Sparseness Constraints`: Args: V (Tensor): data tensor to be decomposed. Can be a sparse tensor returned by :func:`torch.sparse_coo_tensor` beta (float): beta divergence to be minimized, measuring the distance between V and the NMF model Default: ``1.`` max_iter (int): maximum number of iterations before timing out. Default: ``200`` verbose (bool): whether to be verbose. Default: ``False`` sW (float or None): the target sparseness for template tensor :attr:`W` , with 0 < sW < 1. Set it to ``None`` will have no constraint. Default: ``None`` sH (float or None): the target sparseness for activation tensor :attr:`H` , with 0 < sH < 1. Set it to ``None`` will have no constraint. Default: ``None`` Returns: int: total number of iterations """ assert torch.all((V._values() if V.is_sparse else V) >= 0.), "Target should be non-negative." if (V.is_sparse or V.min() == 0) and beta <= 0: raise ValueError("When beta <= 0 and V contains zeros, " "the training process may diverge. " "Please add small values to " "V, or use a positive beta value.") W = self.W H = self.H if sW is not None and W.requires_grad: dim = W[:, 0].numel() L1a = dim ** 0.5 * (1 - sW) + sW with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(W.shape[1]): W[:, i] = _proj_func(W[:, i], L1a, 1) else: L1a = None if sH is not None and H.requires_grad: dim = H[:, 0].numel() L1s = dim ** 0.5 * (1 - sH) + sH with torch.no_grad(): for j in range(H.shape[1]): H[:, j] = _proj_func(H[:, j], L1s, 1) else: L1s = None if beta < 1: gamma = 1 / (2 - beta) elif beta > 2: gamma = 1 / (beta - 1) else: gamma = 1 if V.is_sparse: V = V.coalesce() V_norm = _get_V_norm(V, beta) stepsize_W, stepsize_H = 1, 1 with tqdm(total=max_iter, disable=not verbose) as pbar: for n_iter in range(max_iter): if W.requires_grad: if V.is_sparse: pos, neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, H.detach(), W, beta) WH = None else: WH = self.reconstruct(H.detach(), W) pos, neg = None, None if sW is None: precomputed_pos = _get_W_kl_positive( H.detach()) if beta == 1 else None if V.is_sparse: _sp_double_backward_update( pos, neg, W, gamma, 0, 0, precomputed_pos) else: _double_backward_update( V, WH, W, beta, gamma, 0, 0, precomputed_pos) else: W.grad = None if V.is_sparse: loss = V_norm + pos - neg else: loss = beta_div(WH, V, beta) loss.backward() with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(10): Wnew = W - stepsize_W * W.grad norms = _get_norm(Wnew) for j in range(Wnew.shape[1]): Wnew[:, j] = _proj_func( Wnew[:, j], L1a * norms[j], norms[j] ** 2) if V.is_sparse: new_pos, new_neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, H, Wnew, beta) new_loss = V_norm + new_pos - new_neg else: new_loss = beta_div(self.reconstruct(H, Wnew), V, beta) if new_loss <= loss: break stepsize_W *= 0.5 stepsize_W *= 1.2 W.copy_(Wnew) if H.requires_grad: if V.is_sparse: pos, neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, H, W.detach(), beta) WH = None else: WH = self.reconstruct(H, W.detach()) pos, neg = None, None if sH is None: precomputed_pos = _get_H_kl_positive( W.detach()) if beta == 1 else None if V.is_sparse: _sp_double_backward_update( pos, neg, H, gamma, 0, 0, precomputed_pos) else: _double_backward_update( V, WH, H, beta, gamma, 0, 0, precomputed_pos) else: H.grad = None if V.is_sparse: loss = V_norm + pos - neg else: loss = beta_div(WH, V, beta) loss.backward() with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(10): Hnew = H - stepsize_H * H.grad norms = _get_norm(Hnew) for j in range(H.shape[1]): Hnew[:, j] = _proj_func( Hnew[:, j], L1s * norms[j], norms[j] ** 2) if V.is_sparse: new_pos, new_neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, Hnew, W, beta) new_loss = V_norm + new_pos - new_neg else: new_loss = beta_div(self.reconstruct(Hnew, W), V, beta) if new_loss <= loss: break stepsize_H *= 0.5 stepsize_H *= 1.2 H.copy_(Hnew) _renorm(W, H, 'H') if n_iter % 10 == 9: with torch.no_grad(): if V.is_sparse: pos, neg = self._sp_recon_beta_pos_neg( V, H, W, beta) loss = V_norm + pos - neg else: loss = beta_div(self.reconstruct(H, W), V, beta) loss = loss.mul(2).sqrt().item() pbar.set_postfix(loss=loss) pbar.update(10) return n_iter + 1
@torch.jit.script def _nmf_sparse_reconstruct(H: Tensor, W: Tensor, indices: Tensor): ii, jj = indices[0], indices[1] n_vals = indices.shape[1] rank = W.shape[1] batch_size = max(rank, n_vals // rank) dot_vals = torch.empty(n_vals, dtype=H.dtype, device=H.device) for start in range(0, n_vals, batch_size): batch = slice(start, start + batch_size) dot_vals[batch] = (W[jj[batch], :] * H[ii[batch], :]).sum(1) return dot_vals @torch.jit.script def _nmf_sp_recon_beta_pos_neg(V: Tensor, H: Tensor, W: Tensor, beta: float, eps: float): V_idx = V.indices() V_vals = V.values() if beta == 2: pos = torch.chain_matmul(H, W.T, W).view(-1) @ H.view(-1) * 0.5 neg = (V.t() @ H).view(-1) @ W.view(-1) return pos, neg WH_vals = _nmf_sparse_reconstruct(H, W, V_idx) if beta == 1: pos = W.sum(0) @ H.sum(0) neg = V_vals @ WH_vals.add(eps).log() else: bminus = beta - 1 pos = (W @ H[0] + eps).pow(beta).sum() for i in range(1, H.shape[0]): pos += (W @ H[i] + eps).pow(beta).sum() pos /= beta neg = V_vals @ WH_vals.add(eps).pow(bminus) / bminus return pos, neg
[docs]class NMF(BaseComponent): r"""Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). Find two non-negative matrices (W, H) whose product approximates the non- negative matrix V: :math:`V \approx HW^T`. This factorization can be used for example for dimensionality reduction, source separation or topic extraction. Note: If `Vshape` argument is given, the model will try to infer the size of :meth:`W <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.W>` and :meth:`H <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.H>`, and override arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>`. Args: Vshape (tuple, optional): size of target matrix V rank (int, optional): size of hidden dimension **kwargs: arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>` Shape: - V: :math:`(N, C)` - W: :math:`(C, R)` - H: :math:`(N, R)` Examples:: >>> V = torch.rand(20, 30) >>> m = NMF(V.shape, 5) >>> m.W.size() torch.Size([30, 5]) >>> m.H.size() torch.Size([20, 5]) >>> HWt = m() >>> HWt.size() torch.Size([20, 30]) """ def __init__(self, Vshape: Iterable[int] = None, rank: int = None, **kwargs): if isinstance(Vshape, Iterabc): M, K = Vshape rank = rank if rank else K kwargs['W'] = (K, rank) kwargs['H'] = (M, rank) super().__init__(rank, **kwargs) @staticmethod def reconstruct(H, W): return F.linear(H, W) def _sp_recon_beta_pos_neg(self, V, H, W, beta): assert V.is_sparse return _nmf_sp_recon_beta_pos_neg(V, H, W, beta, eps)
[docs]class NMFD(BaseComponent): r"""Non-negative Matrix Factor Deconvolution (NMFD). Find non-negative matrix H and 3-dimensional tensor W whose convolutional output approximates the non- negative matrix V: .. math:: \mathbf{V} \approx \sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \mathbf{W}_{t} \cdot \stackrel{t \rightarrow}{\mathbf{H}} More precisely: .. math:: V_{i,j} \approx \sum_{t=0}^{T-1} \sum_{r=0}^{\text{rank}-1} W_{i,r,t} * H_{r, j - t} Look at the paper: `Non-negative Matrix Factor Deconvolution; Extraction of Multiple Sound Sources from Monophonic Inputs`_ by Paris Smaragdis (2004) for more details. Note: To match with PyTorch convention, an extra batch dimension is required for target matrix V. Note: If `Vshape` argument is given, the model will try to infer the size of :meth:`W <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.W>` and :meth:`H <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.H>`, and override arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>`. Warning: Using sparse tensor as target when calling :func:` <>` or :func:`NMFD.sparse_fit() <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.sparse_fit>` is currently not supported. Args: Vshape (tuple, optional): size of target matrix V rank (int, optional): size of hidden dimension T (int, optional): size of the convolving window **kwargs: arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>` Shape: - V: :math:`(N, C, L_{out})` - W: :math:`(C, R, T)` - H: :math:`(N, R, L_{in})` where .. math:: L_{in} = L_{out} - T + 1 Examples:: >>> V = torch.rand(33, 50).unsqueeze(0) >>> m = NMF(V.shape, 16, 3) >>> m.W.size() torch.Size([33, 16, 3]) >>> m.H.size() torch.Size([1, 16, 48]) >>> HWt = m() >>> HWt.size() torch.Size([1, 33, 50]) .. _Non-negative Matrix Factor Deconvolution; Extraction of Multiple Sound Sources from Monophonic Inputs: """ def __init__(self, Vshape: Iterable[int] = None, rank: int = None, T: _size_1_t = 1, **kwargs): if isinstance(Vshape, Iterabc): T, = _single(T) batch, K, M = Vshape rank = rank if rank else K kwargs['W'] = (K, rank, T) kwargs['H'] = (batch, rank, M - T + 1) super().__init__(rank, **kwargs) @staticmethod def reconstruct(H, W): pad_size = W.shape[2] - 1 return F.conv1d(H, W.flip(2), padding=pad_size)
[docs]class NMF2D(BaseComponent): r"""Nonnegative Matrix Factor 2-D Deconvolution (NMF2D). Find non-negative 3-dimensional tensor H and 4-dimensional tensor W whose 2D convolutional output approximates the non-negative 3-dimensional tensor V: .. math:: \mathbf{V} \approx \sum_{\tau} \sum_{\phi} \stackrel{\downarrow \phi}{\mathbf{W}^{\tau}} \stackrel{\rightarrow \tau}{\mathbf{H}^{\phi}} More precisely: .. math:: V_{i,j,k} \approx \sum_{l=0}^{k_1-1} \sum_{m=0}^{k_2-1} \sum_{r=0}^{\text{rank}-1} W_{i,r,l,m} * H_{r, j-l,k-m} Look at the paper: `Nonnegative Matrix Factor 2-D Deconvolution for Blind Single Channel Source Separation`_ by Schmidt et al. (2006) for more details. Note: To match with PyTorch convention, an extra batch dimension is required for target tensor V. Note: If `Vshape` argument is given, the model will try to infer the size of :meth:`W <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.W>` and :meth:`H <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.H>`, and override arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>`. Warning: Using sparse tensor as target when calling :func:` <>` or :func:`NMF2D.sparse_fit() <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.sparse_fit>` is currently not supported. Args: Vshape (tuple, optional): size of target tensor V rank (int, optional): size of hidden dimension kernel_size (int or tuple, optional): size of the convolving kernel **kwargs: arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>` Shape: - V: :math:`(N, C, L_{out}, M_{out})` - W: :math:`(C, R, \text{kernel_size}[0], \text{kernel_size}[1])` - H: :math:`(N, R, L_{in}, M_{in})` where .. math:: L_{in} = L_{out} - \text{kernel_size}[0] + 1 .. math:: M_{in} = M_{out} - \text{kernel_size}[1] + 1 Examples:: >>> V = torch.rand(33, 50).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) >>> m = NMF2D(V.shape, 16, 3) >>> m.W.size() torch.Size([1, 16, 3, 3]) >>> m.H.size() torch.Size([1, 16, 31, 48]) >>> HWt = m() >>> HWt.size() torch.Size([1, 1, 33, 50]) .. _Nonnegative Matrix Factor 2-D Deconvolution for Blind Single Channel Source Separation: """ def __init__(self, Vshape: Iterable[int] = None, rank: int = None, kernel_size: _size_2_t = 1, **kwargs): if isinstance(Vshape, Iterabc): kernel_size = _pair(kernel_size) H, W = kernel_size batch, channel, K, M = Vshape rank = rank if rank else K kwargs['W'] = (channel, rank,) + kernel_size kwargs['H'] = (batch, rank, K - H + 1, M - W + 1) super().__init__(rank, **kwargs) @staticmethod def reconstruct(H, W): pad_size = (W.shape[2] - 1, W.shape[3] - 1) out = F.conv2d(H, W.flip((2, 3)), padding=pad_size) return out
[docs]class NMF3D(BaseComponent): r"""Nonnegative Matrix Factor 3-D Deconvolution (NMF3D). Find non-negative 4-dimensional tensor H and 5-dimensional tensor W whose 2D convolutional output approximates the non-negative 4-dimensional tensor V: .. math:: V_{i,j,k,l} \approx \sum_{m=0}^{k_1-1} \sum_{n=0}^{k_2-1} \sum_{u=0}^{k_3-1} \sum_{r=0}^{\text{rank}-1} W_{i,r,m,n,u} * H_{r,j-m,k-n,l-u} Note: To match with PyTorch convention, an extra batch dimension is required for target tensor V. Note: If `Vshape` argument is given, the model will try to infer the size of :meth:`W <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.W>` and :meth:`H <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.H>`, and override arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>`. Warning: Using sparse tensor as target when calling :func:` <>` or :func:`NMF3D.sparse_fit() <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent.sparse_fit>` is currently not supported. Args: Vshape (tuple, optional): size of target tensor V rank (int, optional): size of hidden dimension kernel_size (int or tuple, optional): size of the convolving kernel **kwargs: arguments passed through to :meth:`BaseComponent <torchnmf.nmf.BaseComponent>` Shape: - V: :math:`(N, C, L_{out}, M_{out}, O_{out})` - W: :math:`(C, R, \text{kernel_size}[0], \text{kernel_size}[1], \text{kernel_size}[2])` - H: :math:`(N, R, L_{in}, M_{in}, O_{in})` where .. math:: L_{in} = L_{out} - \text{kernel_size}[0] + 1 .. math:: M_{in} = M_{out} - \text{kernel_size}[1] + 1 .. math:: O_{in} = O_{out} - \text{kernel_size}[2] + 1 Examples:: >>> V = torch.rand(3, 64, 64, 100).unsqueeze(0) >>> m = NMF3D(V.shape, 8, (5, 5, 20)) >>> m.W.size() torch.Size([3, 8, 5, 5, 20]) >>> m.H.size() torch.Size([1, 8, 60, 60, 81]) >>> HWt = m() >>> HWt.size() torch.Size([1, 3, 64, 64, 100]) """ def __init__(self, Vshape: Iterable[int] = None, rank: int = None, kernel_size: _size_3_t = 1, **kwargs): if isinstance(Vshape, Iterabc): kernel_size = _triple(kernel_size) D, H, W = kernel_size batch, channel, N, K, M = Vshape rank = rank if rank else K kwargs['W'] = (channel, rank) + kernel_size kwargs['H'] = (batch, rank, N - D + 1, K - H + 1, M - W + 1) super().__init__(rank, **kwargs) @staticmethod def reconstruct(H, W): pad_size = (W.shape[2] - 1, W.shape[3] - 1, W.shape[4] - 1) out = F.conv3d(H, W.flip((2, 3, 4)), padding=pad_size) return out